PhD. Federico Guercini Urologist Andrologist

Prof. Federico Guercini - Urologo - Andrologo

Prof. Federico Guercini Urologo - Andrologo

Member of the American Society of Urology (AUA)
Member of the European Society of Urology (EAU)
Member of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU)


+39 068070894
+39 068074354

Date of birth



Curriculum vitae

Prof. Federico Guercini was born in Rome on 01/28/1948

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Catholic University of Rome on July 20, 1972

He specialized in Urology at the same University on July 15, 1975.

He held his first university position in February 1973 at the University of Siena

Since 1986 he has been a Contract Professor at the Urology Clinic of the University of Perugia with a teaching assignment at the Urology Specialization School.

Academic Qualifications

  • Member of the American Society of Urology (AUA)
  • Member of the European Society of Urology (EAU)
  • Member of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU)




– On the anti-complementary and anti-platelet action of furosemide and ethacrynic acid.

Minerva Nefrologica vol. 21, no. 3, 1974

2- Contrast thermography of the peripheral vein system. First results.

Proceedings of the European Symposium on Vein Disease and its Treatment. Rome, April 1978

3- Thermographic films of gravid phlebopathies during treatment and diosmin.

Proceedings of the European Symposium on Vein Disease and its Treatment. Rome, April 1978

4- Thermography: diagnostic applications in pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Acta Medica Latina, year 3, no. 3° 1978.

5- Thermography in sports medicine on a case of axillary phlebothrombosis from effort.

Acta Medica Latina, year 3°, 1978.

6- Preliminary notes on the use of intravenous verapamil in the treatment of stenocardiac crisis during hemodialysis.

Acta Medica Latina, year 3°, no. 6, 1978.

7- Possibility of using thermography in sports medicine.

Sports medicine, vol. 32, 1979.

8- Preliminary investigation on the use of thermography in the diagnosis of internal lesions of the knee.

Acta Medica Latina year 4°, no. 3-4, 1979.

9- Labetalol as antihypertensive therapy in hemodialysis patients.

Acta Medica Latina, year 4, 1979.

10- Complications in arteriovenous fistulas in subjects undergoing chronic hemodialysis.

Min. Cardioang. 28, 1979.

11- Cardiovascular accidents in subjects undergoing chronic dialysis.

Acta Medica Latina, year 4, no. 5, 1979.

12- Additional treatment with vitamins A and E in patients undergoing DEAE-Dextran therapy

Acta medica latina no. 6 bis, 1979.

13- Action of poppy seed on cerebral circulation studied by thermography.

Acta medica latina year 5°, no. 1, 1980.

14- DEAE-Dextran in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia.

La Clinica Terapeutica year 1980.

15- RIA control of fat-soluble vitamins and vitamin B12 in patients undergoing treatment with DEAE-Dextran.

La Clinica Terapeutica, vol. 96, March 1981.

16- Clinical study on the efficacy of labetalol in the long-term treatment of hypertensive patients.

Acta Medica Latina, year 4°, no. 2, 1981.

19- Usefulness of planimetry in reading cerebral thermograms.

La Clinica vol. 36, no. 5-6, 1981.

20- Clinical-instrumental evaluation of the efficacy of flunarizine in the treatment of cerebral vasculopathies.

Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia fasc. 64, 1982.

21- Diagnostic utility of ultrasound in prostate hypertrophy.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference, Rome, 10-11 Dec. 1982.

22- Ultrasound findings in a case of ovarian dysontogenesis.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference, Rome, 10-11 Dec. 1982.

23- Specific aspects of ultrasound examination of the prostate: the study of the median lobe.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference, Rome, 10-11 Dec. 1982.

24- Suprapubic ultrasound in prostatic pathology: values ​​and limits.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference Rome 10-11 Dec. 1982.

25- Complications of arteriovenous fistulas in subjects undergoing chronic dialysis: control with ultrasound.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference Rome 10-11 Dec. 1982.

26- Orthotopic ureterocele in adults: diagnostic role of ultrasound.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference Rome 10-11 Dec. 1982.

27- Ultrasound experiences in the pathology of renal M.O.S.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference Rome 10-11 Dec. 1982.

28- Hyperechogenic images in the calycopielic area: validity and limits of the ultrasound method.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference, Rome, 10-11 December 1982.

29- Role of ultrasound in distinguishing between urological and gynecological pathology of the pelvic cavity.

Proceedings of the 1st SIEUN Conference, Rome, 10-11 December 1982.

30- Fenfluramine delay in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment.

Farmaci n. 4, 1983.

31- Ultrasound aspects of fetal hydroureteronephrosis.

Excerpt from “Le sindromi malformative del feto”. Rome, 1982.

32- Sonohysterosalpingografia: una nuova tecnica.

From the vol.: Dysfunctional pathology of the ovary. Ed L. Pozzi Rome 1982.

33- Ultrasound diagnosis of bulky mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. I, no. 3-4, 1983.

34- Fetal hydrocele diagnosed in utero.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. I, no.3-4, 1983.

35- Conceptual difference between the application of digital converter equipment and computerized image equipment in urological ultrasound.

Proceedings of the VIII National Congress, SISUM Bologna 1983.

36- Case study contribution to the percutaneous treatment of renal cysts under ultrasound control.

Proceedings of the VIII National Congress, SISUM Bologna 1983.

36- Problems and technical measures for optimizing contrast resolution in endocavitary ultrasound.

Proceedings of the VIII National Congress, SISUM Bologna 1983.

37- The incidence of prostatic cysts in 1356 cases of prostatic pathology.

Proceedings of the VIII National Congress, SISUM Bologna 1983.

38- Transurethral ultrasound with digital converter echotomograph in the staging of bladder neoplasms.

Proceedings of the VIII National Congress SISUM Bologna 1983.

39- Transrectal ultrasound with digital converter ultrasound in prostatic pathology.

Proceedings of the VIII SISUM National Congress, Bologna 1983.

40- Endoprostatic calcifications.

Proceedings of the VIII SISUM National Congress, Bologna 1983.

41 Comparative study between endocavitary methods in prostatic pathology: linear probe and circular probe.

Proceedings of the VIII SISUM National Congress, Cologne, 1983.

42- Ultrasound diagnosis of occult hydrocele.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. I, no. 3-4, 1983.

43- Ultrasound in breast dysplasia.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. I, no. 3-4, 1983.

44- Ultrasonographic diagnosis of uterine malformations.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. I, no. 3-4, 1983

45- The small calcification of hepatic parenchyma: an unsolved echographic problem.

II Clinicale  Advances in Ultrasonology, Masson Italia, Milan 1984.

46- ultrasound of focal masses in the hepatic parenchyma.

Ultrasonodiagnostica IV/2, 1985.

47- Axillary metastases in cancer of a breast: preoperative deternitation of a stage through echographic study and surgical control.

Act Pre Congres Seminar of the XI World Congres of Gyn and Obst. , Roma 1985.

48- Ultrasound study and calculation of minute urinary production in fetuses in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Proceedings of the Congress on malformed fetuses, Bologna 1985.

49- Ultrasound study of fetal urodynamics.

Proceedings of the Congress of Fetal Medicine, Naples 1985.

50- Gallbladder stones: ultrasound-radiological comparison.

Proceedings of the XIIth Conference on Diagnostics with Ultrasound, Modena 1985.

51- Study of the tissue characterization in A mode of physiological hepatic parenchyma and in some of its pathologies.

Proceedings of the XIIth Conference on Diagnostics with Ultrasound, Modena 1985.

52- Cholecystokinetic study of biliary pathology by ultrasound.

Proceedings XII Conference on Diagnostics with Ultrasound, Modena 1985.

53-Study by means of echotomography of the caliber of the common bile duct in cholecystectomized patients before and after administration of a fatty meal.

Proceedings XII Conference on Diagnostics with Ultrasound, Modena 1985.

54- Optimization of contrast resolution in endocavitary ultrasound.

Electromedical Year IV, 1984.

55- Prostatic cysts and prostatic pathology.

Electromedical Year V, 1985.

56- Transrectal ultrasound in prostatic pathology.

Electromedical Year V, 1985.

57- Transurethral ultrasound in staging bladder neoplasms.

Electromedical, Year V, 1985.

58- Ultrasound diagnosis of fetal urinary tract anomalies

M. Casini, P.G. Signorile, F. Guercini

Ultrasound in Obst. and Gin. III , 2° ; III-15 June 85

59- Pre, intra and postoperative study of female urinary incontinence using a new ultrasound method (videotape)

F. Guercini, F. Furbetta et Al

Proceedings of the IV SIEUN National Congress May 1987.

60- Ultrasound diagnosis of female urinary incontinence (videotape)

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini et Al

Proceedings of the IV SIEUN National Congress May 1987

61- The combined use of ultrasound and surgery in the correction of SUI

A. Furbetta, F. Guercini et Al Proceedings of the V SIEOG National Congress Cosenza March 1987

CIC International Ed.: 105-109 – 1987.

62- Dynamic echocystourethrography as a contribution to the diagnosis of SUI.

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini et Al Proceedings of the V SIEOG National Congress – Cosenza March 1987

CIC International Ed. : 111-119     – 1987

63- Ultrasound study of the cryptorchid testicle

F. Guercini, M. Dimitri et Al Acta medica 21 Andrch 57/17  – 1989.

64- Ultrasound investigation in anomalies of the urinary system in the perinatal period.

S. Fanfoni, F. Guercini, M. Porena; Biomedical Technologies VII n. 5 : 62-69    1987

65- Ultrasound of the scrotum

M.Casini, F. Guercini et Al

Proceedings of the 2nd SIEUN Congress 1986

Electromedical – 6  : 134-40 June 1986

66- Ultrasound-guided prostatic biopsy: ultrasound patterns of malignant neoplasms and their cyto-histological counterparts

F. Guercini, M. Dimitri et Al Proceedings of the 5th SIEUN Congress 1988

CIC International Ed. 291:301 Sept. 1988

67- Ultrasound volumetry of normal testicles and alteration in acute and chronic scrotal pathology

F. Guercini, M. Dimitri et Al Proceedings of the 5th SIEUN Congress 1988

CIC International Ed., 209-15    Sept. 1988

68- Intralesional ultrasound-guided pharmacological treatment of chronic prostatitis.

F. Guercini, M. Dimitri et Al

Proceedings of the 5th SIEUN National Congress Gardone Riviera 1988

CIC International Ed. 307-17,    1988

69- Fetal ecobiometric parameters Considerations on 10,000 pregnancies

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini et Al

Proceedings of the 5th SIEOG National Congress Cosenza 1987

CIC International Ed. : 231-40,    1987

70- Doppler flowmetry in fetal growth retardation

R. Guidetti, Di Rienzo, F. Guercini et Al

Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Perinatal Hypertension, Spoleto, May 1987

CIC International Edition: 75-78, 1987

71- Fetal uteroplacental and placentoumbilical flow

R. Guidetti, G. Luzzi, F. Guercini et Al

Proceedings of the 2nd National Congress of the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine, Perugia, May 1987

CIC International Edition: 443-447, 1987

72- Ultrasound volumetry of normal testicles

F. Guercini, G. D’Ottavio, et Al

From the text “Surgical Andrology in Pediatric Age”

Acta Medica  21 andrchir  57/35  : 275-81,   1989

73- Intralesional pharmacological treatment of chronic prostatitis

F. Micali, F. Guercini et Al

Proceedings of the Europ-Mediterranean Congress of Androl Sciences,   Salsomaggiore 1989.

74- Color Doppler in the diagnosis of malignant prostatic neoplasms – Preliminary results

F. Guercini, F.M. Solivetti et Al

Proceedings of the VI National Congress of SIEUN     Pisa 1990

75- Color Doppler in nodular thyroid pathology from diagnostic imaging of endocrine gland tumors.

Monduzzi Editore 1991 – pag 209-215

76- Usefulness of color Doppler and duplex Doppler in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules.

A. Testa, F. Guercini, G. De Rosa XI National SIEC Congress, Milan 4-9 Nov 1991

77- Intestinal pharmacological treatment under ultrasound guidance in patients with prostatitis (Videotape)

F. Guercini, M. Porena in “Rivista italiana di Videourologia” –  n.4 – June 1992

78- Duplex Doppler and color Doppler in the study of vasculogenic impotence.

M. Porena, F. Guercini, C. Micheli, G. D’Ottavio, C. Ajello, V. Nicastro

79- Duplex Doppler of the kidney in pediatric age

F. Guercini, M. De Gennaro, M. Porena

80- On a case of congenital renal malformation with arteriovenous fistula.

F. Guercini, V. Nicastro, C. Ajello; Arch. It. Urol. LXV; 379-81; 1993

81- Ultrasound evaluation of cryptorchid testicle beyond the therapeutically useful period. Echopattern and testicular volume.

F. Guercini, C. Ajello, V: Nicastro; Arch. Ital. Urol LXV ; 327-31 ; 1993

82- Ecocolor Doppler of the corpora cavernosa after “FIC” in the study of erectile impotence on a vascular basis.

M. Porena, F. Guercini , G. D’Ottavio, C. Ajello; Arch. Ital Urol LXV 381-85 ; 1993

83- Therapy of urinary stones

F. Di Silverio – F. Guercini et Al   in press

84- Urodynamic study of the fetal bladder: myth or reality

M. De Gennaro, F. Guercini et al

Rass It Chir Pediatr Vol XXIX(1):67-71, 1987

85- Monitoring of erectile impotence on a vascular basis with echocolordoppler

F. Guercini, E. Retico, M. Nardi, et al; Giorn Med Militare 2, March April 95:157-160

86- Ultrasound study of the bladder neck and prostatic lodge after YAG therapy

LASER F. Guercini, P. Rosi, S. Parziani, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Arch Ital Urol Androl suppl n5 Dic 1996 Vol LXVIII: 75-78

87- Urogynecological protocol for the study of IUS

C.Pajoncini, M.Porena, F.Guercini

Arch Ital Urol Androl suppl n5 Dic 1996 Vol LXVIII: 225-28

88-Ultrasound evaluation of the prostate after Yag Laser therapy (POSTER)

F. Guercini M. Porena, C. Pajoncini, E. Mearini

SIU Congress 1996

89 Study protocol of the patient affected by stress urinary incontinence-part I.  Objective: stress Leak point Pressure

M. Porena C. Pajoncini, F. Guercini, E. Costantini, R. Lombi

Urogynaecol International J  suppl Vol 10 -2:25-27 May/Aug 96

90-  Study protocol of the patient affected by stress urinary incontinence-

part II. Objective: standardization of ultrasound technique

M.Porena, C.Pajoncini, F.Guercini, E.Costantini

Urogynaecol International J  suppl Vol 10-2: 28-31

91-  Diagnosis and therapy of HPV infections of the lower female excretory tract

M.Porena, F.Guercini, C.Pajoncini A.Vecchione

Urogynaecol International J  suppl  Vol 10-2: 61-630

92- The videourodynamic standardization of stress urinary incontinence according to Blaivas and Olsson classification by ultrasonography

M.Porena, C.Pajoncini, F.Guercini, E.Costantini

Ultrasound in Obst and Gynec Vol 8 suppl 1 :23 Oct 1996

93- The videourodynamic standardization of stress urinary incontinence effort according to Blaivas and Olsson by ultrasound technique

M.Porena, C.Pajoncini, C.Costantini, C.Radicchia, R.Morcellini, F.Guercini

Acta Urol Ital Suppl Vol.XI -2/1997 :214

94-  E. Costantini, C. Pajoncini, C. Radicchia, F. Guercini, R. Morcellini, C. Donati Sarti, M. Porena

Staging of pelvic floor disorders: 2 methods compared

(Baden versus ICS). Urogyn Intern J,  11,3:131-135, 1997

95-  C. Pajoncini, R. Morcellini, E. Costantini, C. Radicchia, F. Guercini, M. Porena

Research protocol for the methodological standardization of female lower urinary tract ultrasound: recent acquisitions.

Urogyn Intern J,  11,3:147-152, 1997

96- Intracavitary ultrasound in IUS and pelvic floor alterations:

guidelines; C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, R Morcellini, E.Costantini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Paper presented at the SIUEN 98 Congress

97- Ultrasound in IUS and pelvic floor alterations: Methods compared; C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, R.Morcellini, E.Costantini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Paper presented at the SIEUN 98 Congress

98- Suprapubic ultrasound in the local staging of bladder neoplasms. Current role, possibilities and limits.; P.Rosi, B.Cervelli, A.Petroni, P.P.Valli, S.Bracarda, F.Guercini, C.Pajoncini, M.Porena

Paper presented at the SIEUN 98 Congress

99- Prostatic cryoablation and thermoguided prostate for prostate

carcinoma. F.Lugnani, P.Derakhshani, M.Polito, F.Guercini

Paper presented at the SIEUN 98 Congress

100- Possibility of ultrasound in the diagnosis of idiopathic retroperitoneal

fibrosis. P.Rosi, A.Petroni, P.P.Valli, B.Cervelli, F.Guercini, C.Pajoncini, M.Porena

Paper presented at the SIEUN 98 Congress

101 SUI and pelvic floor disease: the best ultrasound scanning approach.

C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, R.Morcellini, E.Costantini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Neurourol Urodyn, 17:371-372, 1998(Poster)

102-  Guidelines for endocavity ultrasound scan in SUI and pelvic floor disease.

C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, R.Morcellini, E.Costantini, L.Mearini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Neurourol Urodyn, 17:372-373, 1998

103- Leak point pressure in the diagnosis of intrinsic sphincteric deficiency.

C. Pajoncini, C. Radicchia, E. Costantini, R. Lombi, F. Guercini, L. Mearini, M. Porena

Neurourol Urodyn, 17:389-391, 1998

105- Diagnosing intrinsic sphincter deficiency: Leak point pressure and maximum urethral closure pressure.

C.Pajoncini, C.Radicchia, E.Costantini, R.Lombi, F.Guercini, L.Mearini, M.Porena

Neurourol Urodyn, 8:53-54, 1998

106- Leak point pressure and maximum closure pressure urethral in the diagnosis of intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

C.Pajoncini, C.Radicchia, E.Costantini, R.Lombi, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Urogyn Intern J suppl. Vol. 12 No. 3:25-28, 1998

107- Ultrasound in SUI and pelvic floor disorders: methods compared.

C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, R.Morcellini, E.Costantini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Urogyn Intern J suppl. Vol. 12 n.3:105-7, 1998 (Video-tape)

108- Diagnosing intrinsic sphincter deficiency: Leack point pressure and the maximum urethral closure pressure.

C.Pajoncini, C.Radicchia, E.Costantini, R.Lomb, F.Guercini, L.Mearini, M.Porena

Proceedings of the XII SIUD Congress Trieste 8-10 Oct. 1989

109- Diagnostic imaging of the urinary system

C.Pajoncini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Congress of Gynecological Sciences 1999

110- Ultrasound examination of the lower urinary tract in the study of the urogynecological patient

C.Pajoncini, E.Costantini, P.Rosi, B.Cervelli, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Urogyn Intern J suppl. Vol. 12bis n.3:136-8, 1999

111- Valsalva Leack Point Pressing: Which bladder volume?

C. Pajoncini, E. Costantini, S. Biscotto, W. Rociola, F. Guercini, M. Porena

Acta Urol. Ital. Proceedings 73 National SIU Congress Bologna 28-31 May 2000

112- Possibility of ultrasound in the diagnosis of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

P. Rosi, P. A. Petroni, P. P. Valli, B. Cervelli, F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Arch. Ital. Urol. Special Edition: 75-78. 2000

113- Endocavitary ultrasound in stress urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders – Guidelines.

C. Pajoncini, P. Rosi, E. Costantini, F. Guercini, M. Porena

Arch. Ital. Urol. Special Ed.: 95-98. 2000

114- Ultrasound in stress urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders

C.Pajoncini, P.Rosi, E.Costantini, F. Guercini, M.Porena

Arch. Ital. Urol. Special Edition:99-100. 2000

115- Is intrinsic sphinteric deficiency multifactorial?Part I

E. Costantini, C.Pajoncini, W.Rociola, M.C. Taschini, V.Bini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Neurol. Urodyn. 19(4):474-475, 2000 Proceeding ICS 2000

116- Is intrinsic sphinteric deficiency multifactorial?Part II

C.Pajoncini, E.Costantini, W.Rociola, G.Litrenta, V.Bini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Neurol. Urodyn. 19(4):475-476, 2000 Proceeding ICS 2000

117- Reliability of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of urethral hypermobility. Preliminary data.

C.Pajoncini, E.Costantini, V.Bini, M.del Zingaro, M.C.Taschini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Proceedings of the 74th National Congress SIU C140-144. 2001

118- The Q Tip Test in the diagnosis of urethral hypermobility.

C.Pajoncini, E.Costantini, M.Del Zingaro, C.Taschini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Urogynaecol Intern. J., 15:132-34. 2001

119- Test-retest of Valsala Leack Point pressure.

C.Pajoncini, E.Costantini, M.Del Zingaro, C.Taschini, F.Guercini, M.Porena

Urodynamics. Proceedings of the 25th SIUD Congr., 11(£):151, 2001

121-Ultrasound-guided prostatic infiltration in chronic prostatitis

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini, L. Mearini, E. Costantini, M. Porena

Report presented at the SIEUN 2002 Congress

122-Does Abacterial prostatitis really exist?

F. Guercini, S. Mazzoli, C. Ajello, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Report presented at the SIEUN 2002 Congress

123- Does Abacterial prostatitis really exist?

F. Guercini, S. Mazzoli, E. Costantini, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the EAU2002 Congress

124- Symptoms correlated with prostatitis

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini, V. Bini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the ICS Congress 2002

125- Water Induced thermotherapy for the treatment of the chronic pelvic pain syndrome. A multicentre feasibility study

F. Guercini, J. Virdi*, T. Kreutzig° , A. Münch°,  M. Franke°, C. Pajoncini, L. Mearini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the ICS Congress 2002

126- Does Abacterial prostatitis really exist?

F.Guercini, S.Mazzoli, E.Costantini, C. Pajoncini,M.Porena

Paper presented at the ICS Congress 2002

127- Ultrasound guided ultrasound infiltration for chronic prostatitis- A multicentre study.

F. Guercini, D. Bahn*, L. Mearini, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the ICS Congress 2002

128- Does abacterial prostatitis really exist?

F. Guercini, S. Mazzoli, E. Costantini, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

J of Urol 169(4):29, Apr 2003

129- Intraprostatic infiltration in chronic prostatitis- Multicentre study

F. Guercini, C. Pajoncini, S. Mazzoli, D. Bahn, M. Prena

Paper presented at the Congress of the Italian Society of Urology- Florence June 2003

130- Prostatitis and related symptoms. Prostatitis symprom index of the Urological Clinic of Perugia

F. Guercini, V. Bini, C. Pajoncini, E. Costantini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the Congress of the Italian Society of Urology – Florence June 2003

131- Chronic prostatitis and dilation of the periprostatic venous plexus of Santorini. Myth or reality? Multicenter study

F. Guercini, M. L. Sartesch, F. Menchini Fabbris, V. Bini, C. Pajoncini, M. Porena

Paper presented at the Congress of the Italian Society of Urology – Florence June 2003


Influenza vaccination and vitamin K antagonist treatment: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind crossover study.

Iorio A, Basileo M, Marcucci M, Guercini F, Camilloni B, Paccamiccio E, Vecchioli M, Iorio AM.

Arch Intern Med. 2010 Apr 12;170(7):609-16.

Cryptogenic stroke: time to determine aetiology.

Guercini F, Acciarresi M, Agnelli G, Paciaroni M.

J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Apr;6(4):549-54. Epub 2008 Jan 15. Review.

Chronic prostatitis (CP)/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS): what do we know?

Guercini F.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):76-83. Review.

The AISPEP (Associazione Italiana Sindromi Pelvico Prostatiche) chronic prostatitis questionnaire (AISPEP-Q). focus on the disease: anamnestic data, life activities, symptoms, sexual habits, quality of life and knowledge about prostatitis from 93 questions answered on the Internet.

Mazzoli S, Magri V, Guercini F, Simone A, Paolicchi F, Cai T.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):58-66.

Botulinum-A toxin: an exciting new treatment option for prostatic disease.

Thomas CA, Guercini F, Chuang YC, Chancellor MB.

Int J Clin Pract Suppl. 2006 Dec;(151):33-7. Review.

Influenza vaccination in patients on long-term anticoagulant therapy.

Iorio AM, Camilloni B, Basileo M, Guercini F, Conti S, Ferrante F, Paccamiccio E, Iaboni S, Vecchioli M, Iorio A.

Safety and efficacy of ximelagatran: meta-analysis of the controlled randomized trials for the prophylaxis or treatment of venous thromboembolism.

Iorio A, Guercini F, Ferrante F, Nenci GG.

Echoguided drug infiltration in chronic prostatitis: results of a multi-centre study.

Guercini F, Pajoncini C, Bard R, Fiorentino F, Bini V, Costantini E, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2005 Jun;77(2):87-92.

Assessing outcome after a modified vaginal wall sling for stress incontinence with intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

Costantini E, Mearini L, Mearini E, Pajoncini C, Guercini F, Bini V, Porena M.

Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2005 Mar-Apr;16(2):138-46; discussion 146. Epub 2004 Oct 22.

Low-molecular-weight heparin and cancer survival: review of the literature and pooled analysis of 1,726 patients treated for at least three months.

Conti S, Guercini F, Iorio A.

Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb. 2003 Jul-2004 Aug;33(4):197-201.

Low-molecular-weight heparin for the long-term treatment of symptomatic venous thromboembolism: meta-analysis of the randomized comparisons with oral anticoagulants.

Iorio A, Guercini F, Pini M.

J Thromb Haemost. 2003 Sep;1(9):1906-13.

Clinical and urodynamic features of intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

Pajoncini C, Costantini E, Guercini F, Bini V, Porena M.

Neurourol Urodyn. 2003;22(4):264-8.

Successful treatment of Dieulafoy’s disease in a von Willebrand patient.

Goracci S, Filippucci E, Guercini F, Santucci L, Iorio A.

Haematologica. 2002 Jul;87(7):ECR23. No abstract available.

Intrinsic sphincter deficiency: do the maximum urethral closure pressure and the Valsalva leak-point pressure identify different pathogenic mechanisms?

Pajoncini C, Costantini E, Guercini F, Porena M.

Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2002;13(1):30-5.

[Echographic study of the bladder neck and prostate region after Nd-Yag laser treatment].

Guercini F, Rosi P, Parziani S, Pajoncini C, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):75-8. Italian.

[Uro-gynecologic protocol for studying urinary stress incontinence].

Pajoncini C, Guercini F, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):225-8. Italian.

[Echo-guided drainage of pararenal and pelvic fluid accumulations: technique, indications, and results].

Porena M, Valli PP, Petroni P, Morcellini R, Rosi P, Guercini F.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):19-26. Review. Italian.

[Color Doppler echography of the cavernous bodies after F.I.C. in the study of erectile impotence of vascular origin].

Porena M, Guercini F, D’Ottavio G, Ajello C.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):381-4. Italian.

[A case of congenital renal malformation with arteriovenous fistula].

Guercini F, Ajello C, Nicastro V.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):379-80. Italian.

[Echographic evaluation of the undescended testis beyond the therapeutically useful period. Echopattern and testicular volume].

Guercini F, Ajello C, Nicastro V.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):327-9. Italian.

[Color Doppler in the diagnosis of malignant prostatic neoplasia. Preliminary results].

Guercini F, Solivetti FM, Dimitri M, D’Ascenzo R, Micali F.

Arch Ital Urol Nefrol Androl. 1991 Jun;63 Suppl 2:29-33. Italian.

[Cerebral ischemic vasculopathy: clinical and thermographic study in patients treated with papaveroline].

Nico F, Guercini F, Biagi A, Fanfoni S.

Clin Ter. 1981 Jul 31;98(2):195-200. Italian. No abstract available.

[RIA control of liposoluble vitamins and vitamin B12 in patients under treatment with DEAE-dextran].

Nico F, Guercini F.

Clin Ter. 1981 Mar 31;96(6):637-42. Italian. No abstract available.

[DEAE-dextran in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia].

Nico F, Guercini F, Aragona F, Fanfoni S, Simoncelli L, Biagi A.

[Complications of arteriovenous fistulas in chronic hemodialysis patients; treatment and prevention with Daflon. Preliminary note].

Natili G, Nico F, Guercini F, Baisi G.

Minerva Cardioangiol. 1980 Mar;28(3):161-6. Italian. No abstract available.

[On the anti-complement and anti-platelet-aggregation action of furosemide and ethacrynic acid. Possibility of a mechanism of action released by the former saluretic in the treatment of acute renal insufficiency].

Di Perri T, Forconi S, Auteri A, Laghipasini F, Laghi Pasini F, Guercini F.

Minerva Nefrol. 1974 May-Jun;21(3):147. Italian. No abstract available.

Influenza vaccination and vitamin K antagonist treatment: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind crossover study.

Iorio A, Basileo M, Marcucci M, Guercini F, Camilloni B, Paccamiccio E, Vecchioli M, Iorio AM.

Arch Intern Med. 2010 Apr 12;170(7):609-16.

Cryptogenic stroke: time to determine aetiology.

Guercini F, Acciarresi M, Agnelli G, Paciaroni M.

J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Apr;6(4):549-54. Epub 2008 Jan 15. Review.

Chronic prostatitis (CP)/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS): what do we know?

Guercini F.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):76-83. Review.

The AISPEP (Associazione Italiana Sindromi Pelvico Prostatiche) chronic prostatitis questionnaire (AISPEP-Q). focus on the disease: anamnestic data, life activities, symptoms, sexual habits, quality of life and knowledge about prostatitis from 93 questions answered on the Internet.

Mazzoli S, Magri V, Guercini F, Simone A, Paolicchi F, Cai T.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):58-66.

Botulinum-A toxin: an exciting new treatment option for prostatic disease.

Thomas CA, Guercini F, Chuang YC, Chancellor MB.

Int J Clin Pract Suppl. 2006 Dec;(151):33-7. Review.

Influenza vaccination in patients on long-term anticoagulant therapy.

Iorio AM, Camilloni B, Basileo M, Guercini F, Conti S, Ferrante F, Paccamiccio E, Iaboni S, Vecchioli M, Iorio A.

Safety and efficacy of ximelagatran: meta-analysis of the controlled randomized trials for the prophylaxis or treatment of venous thromboembolism.

Iorio A, Guercini F, Ferrante F, Nenci GG.

Echoguided drug infiltration in chronic prostatitis: results of a multi-centre study.

Guercini F, Pajoncini C, Bard R, Fiorentino F, Bini V, Costantini E, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2005 Jun;77(2):87-92.

Assessing outcome after a modified vaginal wall sling for stress incontinence with intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

Costantini E, Mearini L, Mearini E, Pajoncini C, Guercini F, Bini V, Porena M.

Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2005 Mar-Apr;16(2):138-46; discussion 146. Epub 2004 Oct 22.

Low-molecular-weight heparin and cancer survival: review of the literature and pooled analysis of 1,726 patients treated for at least three months.

Conti S, Guercini F, Iorio A.

Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb. 2003 Jul-2004 Aug;33(4):197-201.

Low-molecular-weight heparin for the long-term treatment of symptomatic venous thromboembolism: meta-analysis of the randomized comparisons with oral anticoagulants.

Iorio A, Guercini F, Pini M.

J Thromb Haemost. 2003 Sep;1(9):1906-13.

Clinical and urodynamic features of intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

Pajoncini C, Costantini E, Guercini F, Bini V, Porena M.

Neurourol Urodyn. 2003;22(4):264-8.

Successful treatment of Dieulafoy’s disease in a von Willebrand patient.

Goracci S, Filippucci E, Guercini F, Santucci L, Iorio A.

Haematologica. 2002 Jul;87(7):ECR23. No abstract available.

Intrinsic sphincter deficiency: do the maximum urethral closure pressure and the Valsalva leak-point pressure identify different pathogenic mechanisms?

Pajoncini C, Costantini E, Guercini F, Porena M.

Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2002;13(1):30-5.

[Echographic study of the bladder neck and prostate region after Nd-Yag laser treatment].

Guercini F, Rosi P, Parziani S, Pajoncini C, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):75-8. Italian.

[Uro-gynecologic protocol for studying urinary stress incontinence].

Pajoncini C, Guercini F, Porena M.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):225-8. Italian.

[Echo-guided drainage of pararenal and pelvic fluid accumulations: technique, indications, and results].

Porena M, Valli PP, Petroni P, Morcellini R, Rosi P, Guercini F.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1996 Dec;68(5 Suppl):19-26. Review. Italian.

[Color Doppler echography of the cavernous bodies after F.I.C. in the study of erectile impotence of vascular origin].

Porena M, Guercini F, D’Ottavio G, Ajello C.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):381-4. Italian.

[A case of congenital renal malformation with arteriovenous fistula].

Guercini F, Ajello C, Nicastro V.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):379-80. Italian.

[Echographic evaluation of the undescended testis beyond the therapeutically useful period. Echopattern and testicular volume].

Guercini F, Ajello C, Nicastro V.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 1993 Aug;65(4):327-9. Italian.

[Color Doppler in the diagnosis of malignant prostatic neoplasia. Preliminary results].

Guercini F, Solivetti FM, Dimitri M, D’Ascenzo R, Micali F.

Arch Ital Urol Nefrol Androl. 1991 Jun;63 Suppl 2:29-33. Italian.

[Cerebral ischemic vasculopathy: clinical and thermographic study in patients treated with papaveroline].

Nico F, Guercini F, Biagi A, Fanfoni S.

Clin Ter. 1981 Jul 31;98(2):195-200. Italian. No abstract available.

[RIA control of liposoluble vitamins and vitamin B12 in patients under treatment with DEAE-dextran].

Nico F, Guercini F.

Clin Ter. 1981 Mar 31;96(6):637-42. Italian. No abstract available.

[DEAE-dextran in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia].

Nico F, Guercini F, Aragona F, Fanfoni S, Simoncelli L, Biagi A.

[Complications of arteriovenous fistulas in chronic hemodialysis patients; treatment and prevention with Daflon. Preliminary note].

Natili G, Nico F, Guercini F, Baisi G.

Minerva Cardioangiol. 1980 Mar;28(3):161-6. Italian. No abstract available.

[On the anti-complement and anti-platelet-aggregation action of furosemide and ethacrynic acid. Possibility of a mechanism of action released by the former saluretic in the treatment of acute renal insufficiency].

Di Perri T, Forconi S, Auteri A, Laghipasini F, Laghi Pasini F, Guercini F.

Minerva Nefrol. 1974 May-Jun;21(3):147. Italian. No abstract available.

His first published article on the technique of prostatic infiltrations was in 1989. The last article regarding the therapy of prostatitis (Echoguided drug infiltration in chronic prostatitis: results of a multi-centre study.) was published in the July 2005 issue of the Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia.

In October 2000 he was the only Italian urologist and one of three Europeans to be invited to speak at the International Congress of Prostatitis organized in Washington by the NIH (National Institute of Health, corresponding to the Italian Ministry of Health).

In April 2002 during the XVII European Congress of Urology held in Vienna (AUSTRIA) he presented:

In May 2002 he was the only Italian Urologist to be admitted to speak about prostatitis in a Podium Session in the prestigious Annual Meeting of the American Urological Society (AUA, equivalent to the World Congress of Urology) with the communication entitled:

In June 2003 during the 2003 American Association Annual Meeting in Chicago (USA) he presented:

In April 2004 during the XIX European Congress of Urology held in Madrid (SPAIN) he presented:

In June 2004 during the 2004 American Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco (USA) he presented:

In April 2005 during the XX European Congress of Urology held in Istanbul (Türkiye) he presented:

In June 2005 during the 2005 American Association Annual Meeting in San Antonio (USA) he presented:

He is a Full Member of the Italian Society of Urology, as well as a Full Member of the European Society of Urology.

He has been a Corresponding Member of the American Association of Urology since 2002 and a referee for the most important world journals of Urology (Urology; Journal of Urology)

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